Never Ignore Your Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are very common and these injuries can be caused by direct impact, overuse of muscles or using of force which is unbearable for the structural part of your body. There are mainly two types of sports injuries like acute and chronic. A sudden injury like an ankle or elbow sprain, which can be caused for landing in a wrong position, is called an acute injury. A chronic injury can be caused for overuse of joints or a group of muscles repeatedly or when any part of the body is damaged severely like a broken bone. A medical investigation is essential for any type of sports injury so that you heal well and are back on tracks soon enough. You will get the best Sports Injury Treatment in Gurgaon.

Sports injuries

Some common sports injuries are:
  • Shin splints: There are many reasons to occur shin splints on the inside or the outside of the shin. When your heel gets injured by striking on the ground unnaturally, you will have to suffer from pain surrounding the inner part of your shin bone causing with anterolateral shin splints. In case of posteromedial shin splints, you will feel pain on the inner shin bone which can be worse, if you try to stand to create pressure on your toes. If you continue running regularly having a shin splint, there will be a chance to spread the pain toward your knee. So, tests are essential for understanding the exact cause and nature of your shin splints.
  • Lumber strain: A sports injury can cause due to weightlifting, golf or baseball and it involves a sudden twisting of your backbone. You will feel a sudden pain in the lumbar region due to lifting or twisting. It may seem like a minor injury, but if you carry on your exercise, sudden deterioration will create an extreme pain in the lumbar region.
  • Achilles tendinitis: Achilles tendonitis is related with the participation in jumping or running sports. You will feel severe pain due to your injured Achilles tendon. You should not exercise with your damaged or injured Achilles tendon without taking the advice of a physician of sports medicine.
  • Fracture due to metatarsal stress: Generally, Army cadets, gymnasts, and dancers suffer from stress fracture due to frequent jumping.
  • Injury of tendon and ligament: The process of mucoid degeneration involves the replacement of tendon material with an inflexible fibrous material. A steady bleeding can occur due to tearing of ligament attached to the bone.
You should not neglect your sports injury otherwise it might turn lethal in future. For effective and the most trusted sports injury treatments visit UMA Sanjeevani, one of the best and most reputed Sports Injury Clinic in Gurgaon


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